2009 Videos

Northstar Mission video. July 2009. Produced, shot and edited this interview video featuring the director of tennis, Zeke Straw, explaining the mission of Northstar Tennis. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pdfAgGtYOfk A Day at Northstar Tennis Camp. June 2009. Shot and edited photos and produced this musical slide show about Northstar Tennis Center. Published on the Northstartennis.com website and YouTube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LflgWfCcAOA. Music: Kevin McLoud
Social Mixer slide show.
Let’s Play: Northstar Social Mixer interactive slide show. June 2009. Shot and edited photos and produced this interactive slide show about Northstar Tennis Center’s evening social mixers. http://www.northstartennis.com/gallery/slide.html Northstar Promo slide show video. May 2009. Shot and edited photos and produced the slideshow that appeared on the site’s home page. [http://www.northstartennis.com/]. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_PnZVZ2FO-M